New Features
- Battery Saver Mod (save up to 50% battery)
- Belle Navi Bar
- Belle elements
- Symbian Belle Theme effects (a must try) (credits to ken of dailymobile)
- Bugless Symbian^Anna Icons
- Enhanced data rate and RAM transfer speed mod
- Prehacked with Super Installserver. You can now install everything without the need for signing and no more package built in errors.
- RAM Cache and Speed Optimized (Note: This RAM optimization is only exclusive for C5-03)
- Read Music files from E:/Music/
- CPU Acceleration Mod (Speed and Battery Optimized). Make the C5-03 the fastest-est of all the fastest S60v5 phones
- RAM and Memory friendly Myra Fonts (Kinda small but a pleasure eye candy)
- Java Permissions Mod
- Symbian^3 Extended Menu
- CPU clock optimization mod. (Test how fast your phone is) Check X-plore's device info for your clock speed
- Restart option in Power Menu
- Bugless Omnia HD Homescreen (replaceable)
- Integrated Symbian Black theme
- Browser Cache Optimized